Cover photo for this channel

You sound like an interesting person to follow, I don't actually want to be in an echo chamber 🤷‍♀️

NB I unfollow people who post a lot of stuff that is deliberately inflammatory, political, really crude or sweary - especially in images as I can't auto mute those.

Warnings: beware of brutal honesty, blatant christianity, aspie mindedness and occasional tech jargon. I don't swear out of respect for allies over at refchat, and generally keep it SFW (my definition of SFW includes some christian themes lol... SFW if you work in a church office?)

I'm here to ask q's, think out loud, write notes to future-me and to cheer on others who are doing good stuff... I'm not here to pick fights.

Also, I randomly clean out my timeline to remove chatter and stuff I don't care about keeping. :)
